Lai Mater bonitatis (Handmaid of the Lord)

  • Recorded: 22nd November 2011
  • Record Place: The Basilica of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary, Milevsko
  • First Release: 2011
  • (P) 2011 SUPRAPHON a.s.
  • Genre: Vocal - Religious


  • music by: Liturgická hudba
  • original lyrics by: Sacred Lyrics
  • musical group: Schola Gregoriana Pragensis


Schola Gregoriana Pragensis

Adventus Domini. Advent “Rorate Mass” in Bohemia in the 15th and 16th Century

Catalogue Number: SU 4071-2
Published: 25th November 2011
Genre: Vocal - Religious
Format: 1 CD
Adventus Domini / Schola Gregoriana Pragensis
The Advent Rorate mass in Czech 15th-16th century hymn-books

Schola Gregoriana Pragensis, artistic director: David Eben, project author: Hasan El-Dunia

Picture the scene: Advent, a snow-covered Czech landscape; it is still night yet the windows of a small chapel on the hillock in the centre of the village glow warmly in the dark. The worshippers have gathered at a Rorate mass. This image is more than 500 years old, yet we can still encounter it in the Czech countryside today. The Advent tradition of celebrating the Marianmass before daybreak stretches back to the Middle Ages. The "Rorate" got its name from the Latin text of the first antiphon Rorate coeli (Drop down dew, ye heavens). This recording presents a reconstruction of the Rorate mass, as it developed from the early Middle Ages to the second half of the 16th century. Alongside the Gregorian chant, the greatest scope is afforded to the typically Czech repertoire, homophonic and, above all, polyphonic sacred song. This, however, also reflects the influence of Franco-Flemish 16th-century polyphony, which was amply performed by fraternities of men of letters. The recording draws from marvellous manuscripts (the Kodex Speciálník, Kodex Franus, etc.), in which the treasures of this repertoire have been preserved. One would be hard pressed indeed to find finer Rorate mass interpreters than Schola Gregoriana Pragensis - an ensemble with a long tradition, beautiful voices and international renown. Rorate chants usher inAdvent, its peace, and foreshadow the mystery of the Nativity of the Lord.

Rorate chants - an age-old tradition of Czech Advent!
Liturgická hudba
1. Antiphona O, rising lightning (Chants before Rorate) 01:45
Liturgická hudba
2. Cantio Joyful singing (Chants before Rorate) 01:19
Liturgická hudba
3. Antiphona Descendi in hortum meum (Chants before Rorate) 01:54
Liturgická hudba
4. Introitus Rorate celi – motetus Rorate celi (I go unto the God’s altar) 05:10
Liturgická hudba
5. Introitus Many righteous prophets and kings (I go unto the God’s altar) 03:35
Liturgická hudba
6. Kyrie In adventu Domini (I go unto the God’s altar) 03:46
Liturgická hudba
7. Today is the beginning of our redemption (I go unto the God’s altar) 04:20
Liturgická hudba
8. Lectio Isaie Prophete (For the reading of the Holy Scripture) 01:39
Liturgická hudba
9. Alleluia Prophete Sancti (For the reading of the Holy Scripture) 01:48
Liturgická hudba
The almighty God ( (For the reading of the Holy Scripture)
10. The almighty God 00:35
11. Tropus Christ’s Angel was sent to Virgin Mary 01:46
12. Tropus God sent his Angel 03:33
13. Tropus Let’s all faithful Christians (J. T. Turnovský) 03:21
14. Tropus Let’s sing in exultation 02:46
Liturgická hudba
15. Lectio Sancti evangelii secundum Joannem (For the reading of the Holy Scripture) 02:11
Liturgická hudba
16. Offertorium Ave Maria (For the Lord’s Supper) 01:44
Liturgická hudba
17. Sanctus The most mighty and desirable (For the Lord’s Supper) 01:30
Liturgická hudba
18. Cantio Gaude quam magnificat (For the Lord’s Supper) 01:59
Liturgická hudba
19. Sanctus super Gaude quam magnificat (For the Lord’s Supper) 02:48
Liturgická hudba
20. Communio Beata viscera (For the Lord’s Supper) 01:49
Liturgická hudba
21. Cantio Salve mater gracie (Handmaid of the Lord) 01:56
Liturgická hudba
22. Antiphona Tota pulchra es (Handmaid of the Lord) 01:53
Liturgická hudba
23. Motetus Sicut cedrus (Handmaid of the Lord) 01:40
Liturgická hudba
24. Lai Mater bonitatis (Handmaid of the Lord) 02:01
Liturgická hudba
25. Motetus Imperatrix gloriosa (Handmaid of the Lord) 02:26