“…thanks to the thrillingly immediate singing of the National Theatre Chorus (excellent throughout the opera), this performance is uniquely stirring… Kyzlink’s is the more detailed and incisive account, opening up warmly for the lyrical episodes but with a keen sense of momentum in the rest, and an unerring feeling for the work’s wit. Březina is splendid in the title role, not too hammy in this character tenor role, and the rest of the cast are wonderfully idiomatic. In the week of Janáček’s 170th birthday, this is a marvellous contribution to his music’s discography.”
Europadisc, July 2024
“This new studio version, conducted by Jaroslav Kyzlink, sounds cleaner and more muscular, and the orchestra of the Prague National Theatre understands Janáček’s style inside out. Characterful in the title role, Jaroslav Březina heads up an excellent cast, with Alžběta Poláčková sparkling as the love interest and the three young-man roles outstandingly sung by Aleš Briscein, whose tenor rises seemingly effortlessly to the moon and beyond.”
The Guardian, July 2024
“Jaroslav Kyzlink lässt das fabelhafte Orchester des Prager Nationaltheaters höchst expressiv, in artikulatorischer Akkuratesse aufspielen… Vom Klasseensemble bis in die kleinsten Rollen (Aleš Briscein, František Zahradníček, Alžběta Poláčková, Jiří Sulženko, Roman Janál, Jiří Brückler) ist besonders der höhensichere, hell timbrierte Tenor Jaroslav Březina als Matej Broucek hervorzuheben… Eine einzigartige Oper, die Konzentration erfordert und am besten mit dem Libretto in der Hand gehört werden sollte. Wer sich darauf einlässt, wird gerade mit dieser Einspielung (als Gesamtensembleleistung und orchestral die beste und brillanteste, die ich kenne), glücklich werden. Auch tontechnisch bleibt kein Wunsch offen.”
Online Merker, July 2024
“The Czech cast revelling in the comic capers and obviously appreciating Janacek’s sometimes savage satire, the unique sound of his orchestral writing conjures the atmosphere of the lunar colony and catacombs under 15th century Prague… It is a delightful romp when it is performed with this kind of understanding and effection. It is a new recording from the Czech label Supraphon. Two CDs. It's my Record of the Week.”
BBC Radio 3, July 2024
“Orchestrally, Supraphon conductor Jaroslav Kyzlink better projects the opera’s more spontaneous, chaotic moments than the BBC Symphony and finds more meaning in the details. The two casts are evenly matched… I prefer (though not by much) Jaroslav Březina’s more declaimed approach on Supraphon for his dramatic commitment and ability to find meaning in a single note.”
Gramophone, September 2024
“The conductor Jaroslav Kyzlink has all the right instincts, capturing the multiple settings brilliantly while keeping a tight grip on the often hectic crowd scenes. The orchestra plays with chamber-like ensemble and the choir is fearless in attacking their stratospheric parts… Aleš Briscein is rather pallid as Mazal on Earth, but comes alive on the Moon as the preposterous Blankytný. Alžběta Poláčková is excellent throughout and really shines as the Hussite maiden, Kunka… Others are consistently fine across all their roles notably Jiří Sulženko and František Zahradníček.”
BBC Music Magazine, September 2024
“Kyzlink … respire avec une finesse et une élégance inédites les actes lunaires, parfaits… Les chanteurs, moins prestigieux qu'ailleurs, mais rodés à la scène, n'en forment pas moins un ensemble d'une rare fraîcheur dominé par le Brouček de Březina qui humanise le personnage de façon singulière. Le son splendide ajoute à l'agrément de l'ensemble.”
Classica, September 2024
“Die Titelfigur wird von Jaroslav Březina mit durchdringendem Charaktertenor facettenreich und komiksprühend gesungen. Malinka und die entsprechenden Figuren Etherea auf dem Mond und Kunka im mittelalterlichen Prag finden in Alžbĕta Poláčková eine muntere Vertreterin mit warmem, geschmeidigem und ausgesprochen frisch wirkendem Sopran… den meisten Gewinn zieht der nicht der Librettosprache mächtige Zuhörer aus dem Wirken des Orchesters unter Jaroslav Kyzlink, das die Musik, insbesondere auch in den Interludi atmen, aufblühen und den Hörer verzaubern lässt.”
Opera Lounge, October 2024
“L’équipe emmenée avec tant de poésie par Jaroslav Kyzlink a vécu l’œuvre en scène puis l’a enregistrée en studio, sans perdre l’irrépressible vitalité d’un spectacle que le livret documente. Jaroslav Březina est impayable, Brouček aussi hâbleur que surpris. Aleš Briscein est un pur luxe pour Mazal, chaque rôle a un visage et une voix, et quelles ! Tout cela pétille et emporte l’auditeur dans un tourbillon surréel qui saisit la sève même d’un ouvrage inclassable, bijou délaissé d’un corpus lyrique qu’on croit trop facilement connaître.”
Artalinna, November 2024
“Kyzlink’s reading gets it exactly right with surefire pacing that always gives the music – and especially the text – room to breathe. His understanding of the way Janáček’s music works, and especially his use of fleeting yet memorable melodic fragments, brings out fresh-eared details at every point… The Prague National Theatre has assembled a faultless cast as well, led by Jaroslav Březina’s thoroughly idiomatic Brouček… The orchestral sound is detailed, yet with impressive depth, while the voices are ideally placed to help you catch every word. If you’ve struggled with Brouček before, this recording might well change your mind.”
Limelight Magazine, December 2024