In the middle of September, the Pavel Haas Quartet launched their new, action-packed season with an informal concert at the La Fabrika club in Prague. Even though the overwhelming majority of the upcoming concerts will again take place abroad, Czech music fans too will have the opportunity to see and hear them: on 23 October, at the Lípa Musica festival in Česká Lípa.
The quartet’s first trip abroad will be to Trondheim, Norway, where within the Chamber Music Festival they will perform at five concerts, as well as teach at master classes. Next up are two appearances in the UK – first in Nottingham and then in London, at whose Wigmore Hall they will play Schubert’s String Quintet in C major, along with Harriet Krijgh. The young Dutch cellist will subsequently also perform with the Pavel Haas Quartet at the prestigious Schubertiade festival in Hohenems, Austria.
The next dates on their European tour are concerts in Ascona, Switzerland, and at the Leuven Novecento Festival in Belgium, focused on 20th-century music, followed by performances in Fürth, Freiburg and Stuttgart (at the famed Liederhalle), Germany. Afterwards, the Pavel Haas Quartet will visit Italy, where they will give four recitals, in Genoa, Bolzano and Florence. Their final concerts in Europe before Christmas will be at the Herkulessal in Munich and the amazing Bibliotheksaal in Polling. In December, the Pavel Haas Quartet are scheduled to arrive in Japan, whose music-loving audiences can look forward to their performances at the Toppan Hall, Tokyo (to be recorded by the NHK television company), in Yokohama and Nagoya.
And what repertoire will the Pavel Haas Quartet be presenting within the current season? “Besides the usual works on our programme, including Janáček’s String Quartets Nos. 1 and 2, Haas’s String Quartet No. 2, ‘From the Monkey Mountains’, and Dvořák’s String Quartet No. 12, the ‘American’, we have newly added, for instance, Webern’s Five Movements for String Quartet, Shostakovich’s String Quartet No. 2, Beethoven’s String Quartet No. 12 and Schubert’s String Quartet No. 15,” the ensemble’s cellist, Peter Jarůšek, revealed.
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