
  • Recorded: 30th May 2024
  • Record Place: Sono Records, Nouzov
  • First Release: 2024
  • (P) 2024 Animal Music
  • Genre: Folk-Rock


  • music by: Petr Ostrouchov
  • original lyrics by: Tomáš Belko
  • singing: Vladimír Mišík
  • acoustic guitar: Petr Ostrouchov
  • mix: Petr Ostrouchov
  • mix: Milan Cimfe
  • production: Petr Ostrouchov
  • el. guitar: Josef Štěpánek
  • el. guitar: Lukáš Martinek
  • lap steel: BJ Cole
  • slide guitar: BJ Cole
  • Hammond: Ondřej Pivec
  • wurlitzer: Ondřej Pivec
  • piano: Jan Steinsdörfer
  • double bass: Tomáš Liška
  • percussion: Martin Novák
  • percussion: Michito Sanchez


Vladimír Mišík

Vteřiny, měsíce a roky

Catalogue Number: ANI131-1
Published: 11th October 2024
Genre: Folk-Rock
Format: 2 LP
This October, Vladimír Mišík is back with a new album, Vteřiny, měsíce a roky (Moments, Months and Years). The album is Mišík’s third collaboration with the producer Petr Ostrouchov and follows the prize-winning projects, Jednou tě potkám (Once, I Will Meet You; 2019) and Noční obraz (Night Image; 2021). The album is comprised of fifteen new songs, with lyrics by Vladimír Mišík and Michael Žantovský, songs based on poems by Jan Skácel, Jiří Dědeček and František Gellner, and one text tailored directly for Mišík by Tomáš Belko, a one-time fellow band-member of Ostrouchov in Sto zvířat. In the studio, Mišík surrounded himself by ten musicians, with the Blue Shadows quartet at the core, which also performed on the previous recordings, featuring Josef Štěpánek and Petr Ostrouchov on the guitar, Matěj Belko on the bass guitar and Martin Novák on the drums. The other players include pianist Jan Steinsdörfer and Hammond organist Ondřej Pivec (now living in the USA), who both were involved on the album Noční obraz as well, guitarist Lukáš Martinek, double bassist Tomáš Liška and two special international guests – the Cuban-American percussionist Michito Sanchez and the British performer on the pedal steel guitar B.J. Cole – who both have featured in projects of illustrious colleagues such as Sting, Rolling Stones, Elton John, Depeche Mode, Crosby, Stills and Nash, James Taylor, David Gilmour, R.E.M., Björk, Stevie Wonder, and others. The album is released on CD and as a 2LP and includes a comprehensive booklet with studio session photos and the lyrics.

LP 1

Petr Ostrouchov
1. Tak dobře 03:59
Vladimír Mišík
2. Ulici bičuje déšť 04:26
Petr Ostrouchov
3. Měl jsem sen 03:08
Petr Ostrouchov
4. Blues o nemocnici 04:14
Vladimír Mišík
5. Neodcházej naštvaná 03:12
Petr Ostrouchov
6. Vteřiny, měsíce a roky 04:59
Petr Ostrouchov
7. Nocí bloudí stíny 03:36
Petr Ostrouchov
8. Okno v paměti 03:57

LP 2

Petr Ostrouchov
1. Ráno bouchly dveře 03:53
Petr Ostrouchov
2. Metál 05:20
Petr Ostrouchov
3. Milé mozkové závity 04:24
Petr Ostrouchov
4. Nevědomí 03:27
Petr Ostrouchov
5. Ono to přejde 03:11
Petr Ostrouchov
6. Destiláty 05:25
Petr Ostrouchov
7. Moudrost 03:09

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